Check Point Research finds vulnerabilities in certain Amazon Alexa subdomains

By Ryan Noik 14 August 2020

Researchers at Check Point have demonstrated how hackers could remove/install skills on a victim’s Alexa account, access voice histories, and personal information, offering a sobering reminder of the vulnerabilities... FULL STORY >


Microsoft: Graduates, AI is coming to bring you jobs

By Ryan Noik 28 July 2020

Today, Microsoft and the Central University of Technology (CUT), Free State, announced Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence programme (AI) to address the demand in the province, and South Africa in general. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight: AI can turbo-charge business, little or large

By Industry Contributor 9 July 2020

Sabine Dedering, Regional Sales Director, Dell Technologies South Africa explains why implementing AI strategies is ultimately a collaborative process. FULL STORY >


A cognitive supply chain with a customer focus in the ‘Age of With’

By Industry Contributor 12 June 2020

Quentin Williams and Wessel Oosthuizen explain why businesses are in the Age of With, and the role that analytics and AI play in meeting heightened expectations. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Will the real AI please stand up?

By Industry Contributor 14 May 2020

Bradley Pulford, Executive Director and General Manager of Channel and Distribution at Dell Technologies, drills down into the basics and intricacies of what AI is and why a good understanding of it matters. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - AI is the secret advantage that can help security specialists turn the tide on cybercrime

By Industry Contributor 12 May 2020

The cyber threat landscape in South Africa continues to intensify. But together the cloud and AI can provide the breakthrough security professionals across the country need. Colin... FULL STORY >


Interview with F5: The cybersecurity imperative in an uncertain age

By Ryan Noik 8 May 2020

Amid the turmoil produced by the current pandemic, two technological considerations are rising to the fore: remote working, and with it, cybersecurity. Recently we had the opportunity to speak to F5 Network’s Alain Tshal on... FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - How mid-size companies can use cutting-edge technologies

By Staff Writer 31 March 2020

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtualisation and IoT may seem out of reach for medium enterprises. But this is no longer the case, explains Sabine Dedering, Regional Sales Director at Dell Technologies... FULL STORY >


Industry Insight: Digital Transformation - 2020 and Beyond

By Industry Contributor 21 January 2020

Lori MacVittie, Principal Technical Evangelist at F5 Networks explores digital transformation in the new decade. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Digital Transformation: 2020 and Beyond

By Industry Contributor 17 December 2019

F5 Network's Lori MacVittie explores what digital transformation entails in the year ahead and in the decade to come. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Four steps to nurturing an AI-ready workforce

By Industry Contributor 21 November 2019

Business leaders should take a page from companies further along the AI curve to access the skills needed for business transformation, says Lillian Barnard, the Managing Director at Microsoft South Africa. FULL STORY >


Nearly 80% of employers aren’t worried about unethical use of AI

By Press Release 9 September 2019

A new workplace survey has revealed that almost 80% of employers aren’t worried about the unethical use of AI — and suggests that they should be. FULL STORY >


Wits launches new African Artificial Intelligence initiative

By Staff Writer 5 September 2019

The Molecular Sciences Institute (MSI) at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg, South Africa, in partnership with the Cirrus Initiative, have announced plans for a new artificial intelligence (AI) research... FULL STORY >


Blue Prism set to showcase AI Digital Exchange this week

By Press Release 4 September 2019

Blue Prism will showcase its comprehensive artificial intelligence Digital Exchange (DX) at AI Expo Africa this week, setting in place the foundation for South African businesses to begin their journey into the era of AI. FULL STORY >


Gartner believes AI Augmentation to create $2.9 trillion of business value in 2021

By Staff Writer 5 August 2019

If you haven’t heard of augmented intelligence yet, prepare to do so a lot more going forward. FULL STORY >

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